Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris

Bagus              : Hey guys, Tomorrow will be held a concert of Girl Band in Denggung . Will you join with me?                                    
Sulthon            : What’s Girl Band will perform?
Bagus              : it’s many,there  are Cherry belle,Blink,and special performance JKT 48.
Hanif               : where will we meet?
Bagus              : we will meet together at Sleman Market.
Sulthon,Hanif  : OK.... We are deal.
Citra                : Excusme? What are you say?
Sulthon            : we will go to Girl Band perform at Denggung.
Citra                : Are you school in MAN?
Sulthon,Hanif,Bagus    :  YES........
Fatkhiyah         : If you school in MAN, Axactly you know it that is not good to see.
Citra                : And that is haven’t  Benefit,Just wasting your money. Boy should be you Just Watch in TV.
Hanif               : I Dont care, I think this is a Beautification.
Citra,Fatkhiyah : Up to you Boy!!!