I. Name of interviewer :
Bapak Subhan
II. Name of interviewers : Altof, Risatun, Dyah P, Fitri K, Baiq
N and Hanif
III. The interview carried on
April 23, 2014 in MAYOGA
Drs Moh. Subhan, the teacher’s of Bahasa Arab.
Wednesday April 23, 2014, my friends and I got a chanche to interview Bapak
Subhan he has been teaching in Mayoga
He was born in Lamongan, may 11, 1964. Pak Subhan
still lives in st. Arwana No 15
Perum Minomartani. His hobby is reading books he thinks his hobby has benefit
for him because it can give him feedback for him self and for another people.
He has seven years teaching in MAN YK III
and ever taught for four teen years
in MAN Yogyakarta I .
Pak Subhan has already got married.
He has three children. He some favorite places these are that Parangtritis
beach, Puncak Bogor, and Pondok Pesantren Gontor. His wife’s job is
enterpreneur . he is motto is “work is just to worship” or “live just to
He had a nices exprience, when he
entered his class room. He got a nice smile from his students according to him religius situation in MAN YK III is very monotonous, it has at
significanly change and According to him
the students of MAN YK III in here are
good and progressif. His suggestion for students this year to live more islamic live.
“Never say impossible but say I am do